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September 28 – October 19, 2024

Saturdays from 12:30-1:30pm

We will focus on history, philosophy, “where we started and where we are now” from a Western perspective, etiquette in studios, different styles of studios and what’s expected. With four classes, we will dive into Hatha, Pranayama, Vinyasa, rest/restorative, chakra Asanas/ energy meridians, prep and understanding for arm balances.

Week 1 – History and philosophy. Hatha practise using the most familiar Asanas seen in most classes such as forward fold, twist, down dog, warriors, seated breath, and of course, Savasana.

Week 2 – Beginner Vinyasa Chakra/ energy meridians. Why it’s called Hot Flow and not Bikram. Discussion on flow/ ebb, how to move energy through the body incorporating Pranayama (breathing), and Svadhyaya (introspection).

Week 3 – Understanding of arm balances and inversions. Stacking joints, calisthenics. Vinyasa flow class to try some new balances.

Week 4 – Rest/ restore. Why we need rest for our health, our parasympathetic vs sympathetically tuned lifestyles.

No yoga experience required.

Investment: $66 for 4 weeks

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